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How to Turn the Demon into a Diva, PERIOD.

How to Turn the Demon into a Diva, PERIOD.

Understanding the Season of My Cycle: PMS/PMSDD Time

By LaVita Ru.

A good read for woman and men…

What is PMS and PMDD? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a collection of emotional symptoms, with or without physical symptoms, related to a woman's menstrual cycle. While most women of child-bearing age (up to 85%) report having experienced physical symptoms related to normal ovulatory function, such as bloating or breast tenderness, medical definitions of PMS are limited to a consistent pattern of emotional and physical symptoms occurring only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle that are of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life".[1] In particular, emotional symptoms must be present consistently to diagnose PMS. The specific emotional and physical symptoms attributable to PMS vary from woman to woman, but each individual woman's pattern of symptoms is predictable, occurs consistently during the ten days prior to menses, and vanishes either shortly before or shortly after the start of menstrual flow.


Two to ten percent of women have significant premenstrual symptoms that are separate from the normal discomfort associated with menstruation in healthy women.[1][2]

Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder (PMDD) consists of symptoms similar to, but more severe than, PMS, and while primarily mood-related, may include physical symptoms such as bloating. PMDD is classified as a repeating transitory cyclic disorder with similarities to unipolar depression, and several antidepressants are approved as therapy.[3] -wikipedia


So yes it is all of that above and more. I am writing this article to discuss the "more" so please read it all as I break this situation down the best way I know how. Once I had had enough of misunderstanding my body, and cried for no reason- I searched the internet to see what answers other women or cultures had provided for what we term as this premenstrual syndrome. I ran into more complaints, diagnoses for drugs and even more complaints. So through personal evaluation and questions asked to other women in my immediate circle, I have come up with what I feel is a reasonable explanation and solution to this mysteriously, misunderstood phenomena. As a result of these revelations I see this “sacred” time in my life differently now. I hope after women and men J read this, you are encouraged to feel differently as well.


This seems to be a rough experience for many women to handle. I image it is safe to say it can be rough on men as well. In today’s modern society which is far from the days of Eden, we don’t place much value on “peace, “me time” and what it takes to dwell in harmony with what happens internally at all times. I imagine being a woman whom during this seemingly off balanced time in my moon cycle, if I could just sit in a space with some trees and some silence, to give my body and spirit adequate uninterrupted time to work through these energy shifts, I would be more balanced all around. The moon cycle and cleansing period have a purpose other than getting on everyone’s nerves. Collectively as women, we don’t know how to honor it and as a result “that time of the month” carries a bad reputation.


So, I am going to approach this subject in two ways for women. I will talk about this from the physical perspective and then the root spiritual perspective with helpful advice on how to be your best you in ever season. Lastly, I will share how men understanding and positively going through the spiritual process with women in their lives, in a sense can help men live longer, happier and healthier lives. FYI Men, if you want to skip some details to get to what pertains to you look for the stars. ***



Premenstrual syndrome-PMS

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder- PMDD


Common Symptoms:

Depression, anxiety, tension, sensitivity, irritability and mood swings, loss of interest in daily activities, difficulty concentrating, decreased energy, food cravings and appetite changes, insomnia or sleeplessness.


Does birth control affect your mood swings? From what I understand they do affect hormonal changes in a woman’s body, so it may be safe to say the change in hormonal condition can make mood swings better or worse. Overall, from my research it appears that birth control effect different women, in various ways. I have Implanon/Xplanon which is a birth control implant in my right arm. This is a stick slightly larger than a blunt needle inserted byway of minor surgery into my arm, which prevents me from getting pregnant. I notice that for the first year or so of me having had Implanon in my arm my mood swings did elevate and my menstrual period is actually became more regular; whereas before I had been irregular for almost 30 years. Now 4 years later, my body seems to be used to the what is called Xplanon and I don’t have the extreme mood swings anymore.


Physical symptom:

Breast tenderness, headaches, bloating and in some cases cramps


In a physical sense I am aware that lack of exercise, unbalanced diet and vitamin/mineral deficiency can make the pain and emotional state worse. So here are just a few things I know have helped me make a difference.


A few dietary and habitual remedies that can help:

  • Exercise!!! Serotonin is the body’s internal balancing remedy. When we exercise serotonin is released in the body and improves my mood. Not only that, it helped get the blood circulating and improve overall health. It doesn’t have to be strenuous and I am not saying it has to be when your period comes. Actually when your period comes you may need to be still. Forms of exercise can be walking through your favorite garden, jogging, riding a bike, dancing and cleaning the house. We should get some sort of exercise on regular bases. Movement is the key. Serotonin regulates mood, digestion, appetite and sleep.

  • Sleep . I know I am less cranky when I have had some good rest. Sleep rejuvenates the body and the immune system repairs while the body rest. When the menstrual period roles around the immune system’s ability to fight is lower, making the body more vulnerable to illness.

  • General diet . Diet needs to be balanced so your body is ready for the cleansing. Cut down on sugar, yeast/carbohydrates, caffeine and alcoholic beverages. Eat lots of fruit and veggies. Cravings may indicate what deficiencies you have. The mind makes you crave the closes idea it can find so if your body is lacking potassium you may want bananas, lacking calcium it may lead you to a milk shake.

  • B vitamins . These are what I call the natural happy pill. They naturally boost energy, improve mood conditions mainly Vitamin B6.

  • Calcium and magnesium supplements . These supplements relieve menstrual cramps. Magnesium aids in the body’s absorption of calcium. These two minerals affect the muscles ability to function. If there is an inadequate supply available it can cause cramping in the body. The lower abdominal area is under stress as the uterine lining is being shed. The calcium and magnesium act as a cushion between the stress and you, bringing the body back into balance. Taking these supplements will subside cramps in under an hour. To learn more about this see “How to Alleviate Menstrual Cramps Naturally” By L. Carter,



And now a root solution to understanding the power of the menstrual cycle time or better termed “moon cycle”***

In general, I have acknowledged the menstrual cycle as a time for cleansing. Additionally, I have come to the realization that it is a cleansing time for the mind, the entire body and the spirit. The spirit is essentially the catalyst for the cleansing process in the woman’s moon cycle. How is the moon cycle defined? The moon cycle is the patterned process of changes in nature that takes place around the cycles of the moon. New moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon in the earth and in our bodies’. Women’s bodies have a pattern of energy changes that are synced with every phase of the moon cycle, beyond the bleeding. The reason many women struggle with the different energies is because we don’t know how to surrender to them and simply, “go with the flow.” Once the voice screaming out from the womb is heard, observed, and her issue of concern is solved, she will be at peace.


On a personal level after reading some articles which address the spiritual aspect of the female moon cycle I find myself recalling times each month where I have felt like abandoning everything and everyone including myself; then other times where I feel like I can accomplish anything, go anywhere and I am on top of the world! I discovered through my research I am writing this in what is referred to as the “Autumn” phase of my cycle and can see evidence that proves the symptoms true.


Before my menstrual period starts- whether this is caused by birth control, diet choices or anything else in the physical world- there seems to be a struggle between my right mind (rational, present self) and the mysterious left mindedness that comes to cause a ruckus (imagination, spiritual, emotional centers, past memories and future self projections). So I asked myself is there a justifiable pattern to this madness? Many women may ask, “Is something wrong with me?” I know I have. Well, there is a purpose for all of it and the key is knowing how to work with the powers available to us at each phase to unveil our personal mysteries and gain the best results out of life.


Abandoned sacred rituals of womanhood: Reclaiming Our Psychological and spiritual power

There are a lot of references on the power and purpose of the menstrual cycle. This section inspired by an online article entitled, “The Spiritual Practice of Menstruation” from To learn more please visit that site.

The first couple of statement I embarked on when reading the article, Spiritual Practice of Menstrual, (from the site) was to the effect of- There is so much more to the menstrual cycle than the biology lesson given in high school to explain it, in the same way that there is so much more to sex and child birth than mechanics. The menstrual cycle is a cycle to base your life around, in fact your menstrual cycle is based around your life whether you pay attention to this or not. This is so true.


As Humans our natural biological experience is thrown off. Women are meant to be in tune with each other like the tides of the ocean. Every woman in the immediate circle with each other will sync with the same moon cycle pattern. This is one cycle within layers and layers of various cycles in the human phenomena.


A menstrual cycle is broken into four quarters like the season- spring, summer, fall, winter; and follow a spiritual process- birth, growth, full bloom, harvest, decay, death, rebirth. “If you have a cycle that is shortened or lengthen. Provided that you are ovulating, the second half of the cycle is always the same either 13,14, or 15 days.” Each week of the fertility cycle is different just as the seasons are. It is the characteristics of each of these weeks that are the opportunities of the spiritual practices that I speak of:

  • SPRING Week 1. Day 1-7. Bleeding/release phase. Focus on letting go of ways and beliefs, habits and actions that are not healthy and serve no good purpose for you. It is suggested this be done with prayer and blood before disposal. It is natural during this time to feel quiet and withdrawn. You may want to push people away. After bleeding a woman may feel “soft and vulnerable” like she is returning to herself again.

  • SUMMER. Week 2. Day 8-14. Peek Ovulation. "Time to create the babies!!!!!" This is a high energy creative time. More energy is circulating, higher sex drive, heightened awareness of self and others, very happy/positive feelings like “I can do anything!!!”

  • AUTUMN. Week 3. Days 15-21. Harvest time. This is where your energy starts to simmer and cool like fall. This is a more unpredictable time where moody swing my come in. There is a tendency during this time to feel positive and negative, to have a sense of both pride and failure. “what am I doing with my life- this sucks!” or “I am so proud of my recent accomplishments!” These feeling are preparing you for “winter” where we pack up the giveaway box, filling it with what we don’t want and decided to keep what is good for us.

(Autumn- this is what I call the sorting time J.)

  • WINTER. Week 4. Days 22-28. Death. Here we “evaluate” all our lessons through what is presently seen and felt. A time where it is best to be less available to others and more inward focused as we each prepare for spring cleaning again.

“It is affected by the moon. Women bleed when the moon is dark and ovulate when the moon is full. The new moon is when the moons energy is not as hi and the woman can turn inward. By ignoring or not knowing what to do with this valuable gift-ability woman struggle with the symptoms.”


Foundation, original painting by LaVita Ru


The moon needs the sun; the sun needs the moon- all things depend on another to have balance. All living things have a repetitive cycle which equals life. The males’ version of this menstrual cycle is sometimes also called Irritable man syndrome- that’s right IMS, lol. In light of the need to procreate, a man’s cycle must be synced with a woman’s cycle in order to impregnate her. He creates sperm; she ovulates. Human have hormones. Women have a hormone called estrogen and men have a hormone called testosterone. The two aromas are like perfume to the opposite sex. During peak (summer) ovulation a man in sync with that woman’s cycle will be drawn by her pheromone scent, making the man feel sexually attracted.


During the woman’s bleeding period a husband or boyfriend goes through hormonal changes as well. He needs to understand what is happening just as much as she does because accept for bleeding his body undergoes the same progression. The sad part is many men think that crying, emotional cleaning, taking about feeling is girly stuff. Not really; its human stuff. A man who lets go is a man who lives long. Holding on to bad or useless emotional weigh manifest physically as constipation/IBS in most people, and even obesity, diabetes, cancer, and the list of dis-ease goes on.


During this time of natural withdrawal and personal reflection, If a woman avoids the call to herself and negatively focuses on him instead, he too may do the same. Image a number line, like the paper ones from 1st grade. She is the negative ten and he is positive ten on this number line, and you see there is much space between them. If she wants to be alone or acts like she doesn’t want you around leave her alone for a while. The man and the woman’s hormones are jumping and if a man wants to be with her he needs to understand what is happening. He can stay on the positive side of that number line if he gives her space to clean out the negatives. He can use this time to meditate, do some cleansing himself or do man stuffJ. I do understand every woman and man is different, and lord help you man if the two of you are not supposed to be together at all. That’s another article.


Though all moon time phases should be regarded, her honoring her “winter” in the moon cycle, with self-reflection and quiet time, the energy of her “space” may provide a better outcome for everyone. Then this man and woman can be cordial and loving, and she can discuss her revelations with him. As a man woman team consciously aware of their biorhythms, the opportunity and power of creation may be great!


Women traditionally have been shaman and soothsayers, psychics and spiritual leader. The intuitive and growth power of a woman can be phenomenal when honoring nature. We all just need to slow down and pay attention to what our spirits and mother nature is telling us.


So I hope this article has enlightened you as it has me creating it. There are ways to chart your moon cycle and biorhythms that I am learning are quite inspirational, this is just a start. Since I discovered this information and broke it down in detail for myself I see it is real helpful and has immediately changed how I feel about me. I feel more positive about this mysterious Moon Cycle now. The bleeding curse is actually a blessing in disguise. If only more of us knew this sooner- how much different life would be.

-Love LaVita Ru.

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